Expert Seek
Smart Linking
Expert Seek is an effective solution for finding the best experts
Using artificial intelligence to identify experts relevant for very specific tasks, ExpertSeek uses advanced language and machine learning technologies in order to identify and cluster profiles. It provides specific solutions in identifying experts, processing CV’s, fine-tune for specific projects and effective smart linking.
Key advantages
- Fine-tuned searching: effective searching for specific profiles.
- Automatized updating: reducing maintenance time and increase quality.
- Smart linking: clustering of profiles to identify the best experts for projects.
- Team viewing: knowledge transfer by saved searches; human knowledge is stored.
- Automatically processing of emails, facilitating the update process.
Smart and efficient searching
The system is smartly linked so new projects or new experts are automatically pre-processed to update the database. For each project different expert profiles can be searched with various search criteria. These criteria are transformed to queries and used for the automatized search of similar experts. Each search enhances the capacity of ExpertSeek as the linkages made are stored and incorporated in future searches. Automatized updating processes reduce maintenance time and increase quality.
Always growing and improving
Experts that were previously considered relevant for similar projects appear in the “Related-Experts” list and can be selected to the “Candidates” list. After confirmation, an improvement of the similarity relations is achieved and stored in the system for future analysis. In this way, the intelligence of the system is continuously improved.Finding the best quickly
A combination of clustering of CV-documents, calculated keywords of projects and the saved shared connections, make the identification of the best experts possible. Several experts can be chosen for comparison under “Experts Base” in the Candidates-List for the current project.