Peru: Evaluacion Final del Proyecto APROLAB II

The overall objective of the APROLAB II project is to “contribute to the improved competitiveness and the quality of the labour force with the aim of upgrading the local economic development and reducing the poverty in Peru”. The specific objective is to “re-orientate the professional / vocational education towards the demands of the market, the socio-economic necessities and the potential economic opportunities for the development of the country”.

The final evaluation should provide the Ministry of Education of Peru, the decision makers in the government and the external cooperation services of the EC and the public opinion with sufficient information in order to: asses the project outcomes, extract key lessons and practical recommendations, assess the sustainability of the benefits of the intervention, examine the levels of appropriation of the project at the central (MoE) and regional (Regional Governments and their respective departments) level during the implementation of activities, evaluate to what extent the project APROLAB II ensures the continuation of the observations of the ROM mission from 2008 and 2009 and the latest audit reports with regards to ineligible expenditure and compliance commitment of the Ministry of Education.

Client: European Commission

Beneficiary: Ministry of Education

Additional Info

  • Areas of Competence: Social and Economic Development, Public Administration and Good Governance