The mountain valley of Bakhmaro in Western Georgia is a popular climatic spa resort, but poor quality huts were constructed illegally and forests were destroyed due to a lack of planning. ATC drafted a plan for sustainable socio-economic development involving public private partnerships.
Client: Department of Tourism and Research / Smart Consulting
Master plan for the first South Asian Winter Games in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Ice events will be hosted in the capital, skiing competitions in Auli. Infrastructure planning, preparation of spatial development plans, environmental impact assessment, possibilities for multiple use of the area in summer, public private partnerships.
Client: Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Limited
Focus on the “Integrated Services for the Poor Programme” involving infrastructure works and social development activities such as education, vocational training or health in urban and rural areas.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission (MEDA)
Beneficiary: Social Fund for Development
The objective of this assignment is to provide Technical Assistance to the Falkland Islands Government in the programming and implementation of the OCTs 11th EDF territorial allocation in favour of the Falkland Islands.
Client: European Commission
Beneficiary: Falkland Islands Government represented by the Territorial Authorising Officer