The Technical Assistance project is focused on strengthening the monitoring, control and management of the state owned companies in Guinea Conakry by starting from a diagnostic study of the publicly owned companies.
Client: European Commission
Beneficiary: State owned companies in Guinea Conakry
The project aims to accompany the recording of cultural heritage in the development of economic and of human resources in Algeria, thereby contributing to the priority actions of identifying and stocklisting, of protecting and of enhancing the cultural heritage.
Client: European Commission
Beneficiary: Ministry of Culture
Focus on the “Integrated Services for the Poor Programme” involving infrastructure works and social development activities such as education, vocational training or health in urban and rural areas.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission (MEDA)
Beneficiary: Social Fund for Development
Design of a regional economic programme (2008-2015) assessing various development issues in the CEMAC (Communauté Économique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale) region and identifying priority actions in order to achieve sustainable diversified shared growth.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission to the Central African Republic
Strengthening of the cooperation between Morocco and the EU under Accord d´Association through development and implementation of public private partnershipsand technical assistance, institutional twinning between the Moroccan Department for Public Enterprises and Privatisation and a similar structure in an EU member state.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission (EDF)
Beneficiary: Department for Public Enterprises and Privatisation
Elaboration of a regional economic development strategy, in the framework of the implementation of national strategies, and proposition of a financing instrument adapted to the funding of regional economic development.
Client: EC Delegation (EDF)
Beneficiary: ECD Mali
Enhance the competitiveness of Tunisia to ease its integration into the European free trade zone and into the world economy as a whole.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission
Beneficiary: Government of Tunisia
Support and assist the senior staff of MOLACD, the Southern Sudan Land Commission and other related ministries in drafting the Land Act Regulation and assisting the Land Commission in finalising the land policy development process.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission
Beneficiary: Ministry of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development of South Sudan (MOLACD)
The purpose of the project consists in building the capacities of 17 selected MFIs located in Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, through technical assistance interventions based on an institutional diagnostics and capacity building plans.
Client: Development Bank of Austria (OeEB)
Beneficiary: 17 Microfinance Institutions in all five countries
Identification and formulation of an EU supported programme in the field of human rights and civil society. Review and assessment of current policies, draft specific financing agreement.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission (MEDA)
Beneficiary: Government of Egypt