Promotion of cultural heritage and tourism to improve economic development, creation of new jobs and promotion of cooperation networks between Bulgaria and Greece.
Client: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (PHARE)
Establishment of a nature park in the Goricko region of Slovenia, including a thorough habitat mapping.
Client: Slovene Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (PHARE)
Preparation for the effective implementation of cross border cooperation (CBC) programmes, assistance to the preparation of programme documents, capacity building and investment support.
Client: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (PHARE)
Improvement of Croatia’s position on the international tourism market focusing on sustainability, quality and diversification to move from mass to quality tourism and foster niche markets.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission (CARDS)
Beneficiary: Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development
For the West Balkan Countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99,strengthening the capacities of the relevant management structures to programme and implement IPA CBC programmes at borders
Client: ECD DG Enlargement Brussels (CARDS)
Tourism development concept for the area Lisina-Cajetina in the National Park of Kopaonik, land use and development plan involving all stakeholder to ensure acceptance and legal adoption.
Client: UNDP
Beneficiary: Municipality of Raska
IPA is to help Serbia to face the challenges of European integration, to implement reforms needed to fulfil EU requirements and to make progress in the Stabilisation and Association Process.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission
Beneficiary: The Republic of Serbia
Improving capacity of the ministries and subordinated bodies involved in the protection of moveable cultural goods in order to combat illegal trade and export, theft, destruction and forgery.
Client: Austrian Agency for European Integration and Economic Development (PHARE-Twinning)
Beneficiary: Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs
Facilitating practical implementation of the provisions of the Police Reform Strategy in Macedonia by implementing a fully objective, merit-based, transparent and accountable systemfor the management of ministry personnel and their careers.
Client: EAR (CARDS)
Beneficiary: Ministry of Interior
Needs assessment for hardware and software border control equipment, enabling Kosovo Border and Boundary Police (BBP) to control the flow of persons at Kosovo bordersafter the transfer of responsibilities from the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the Kosovo Force (KFOR).
Beneficiary: United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)
Client: European Agency for Reconstruction (CARDS)