Support the reorganisation of the Ministry of Culture of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, promote Public Private Partnerships and stimulate the development ofcommercial.
Client: European Commission (PHARE)
Beneficiary: Ministry of Culture
Developing access for Serbia's citizens to independent public and private media, improving the quality of the programme, assistance to EAR in tender evaluation and supervision.
Client: European Agency for Reconstruction (CARDS)
Beneficiary: Yugoslav Film Archive
Assisting the Ministry of Finance to implement its fiscal decentralisation successfully, by estimating the cost of competences transferred to local self-government units (LSGUs).
Client: European Agency for Reconstruction
Beneficiary: Ministry of Finance
Modernisation of Albania’s administrative capacity and strengthening of its key institutions, improvements to its human resources management, strengthening of the internal capacities of the Training Institute for Public Administration.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission (CARDS)
Beneficiary: Training Institute of Public Administration
Follow-up of the recommendations of the Phare 2002 (Strengthening market surveillance and consumer protection), this assignment aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of the National Authority for Consumer Protection (NACP), to raise awareness of Romanian citizens as consumers and improve information for and representation of consumers.
Client: Ministry of Public Finance (PHARE)
Beneficiary: National Authority for Consumer Protection
Moldova receives EC sector budget support since 2007, conditional on accomplishment of Policy Matrix (PM) benchmarks, the aim is to increase efficiency and quality of the country's basic healthcare services.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission
Beneficiary: EC Delegation
Moldova receives EC sector budget support since 2007, conditional on accomplishment of Policy Matrix (PM) benchmarks, the aim is to increase efficiency and quality of the country's basic healthcare services.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission
Beneficiary: EC Delegation
This project aims to contribute to the modernisation of the IT systemof the Kosvo Tax Administration (in compliance with EU standards and requirements) by providing technical assistance in the drafting of the tender dossier.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission
Beneficiary: Tax Administration of Kosovo
The project aimed at harmonizing the BiH legislation in the telecommunications sector within EU requirements and to strengthen the capacity of the Communications Regulatory Agency.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission
Beneficiary: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Improvements to the investment climate to promote trade, strengthening the central bank and regulatory system to facilitate the EU integration into European networks, enhancement ofthe capacity of the central bank and the regulatory authorities in banking supervision, non-banking supervision and capital market supervision.
Client: Delegation of the European Commission
Beneficiary: Financial Services Sector Institutions