Displaying items by tag: IPA - ATC Consultants

The project aims is to establish effective supervision of the management and control system in the implementation of the different IPA programs, guaranteeing legality and regularityof the underlying transactions. 

Client: European Commission

Beneficiary: Ministry of Finance, National Authorising Officer and National Fund

Published in Europe

The global objective of the project was to strengthen the capacities of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the EU integration process of BiH. The project supported the BDBiHin defining the roles and priorities in the legal harmonisation of BDBiH legislation with EU acquis in accordance with BDBiH jurisdiction. 

Client: European Commission

Beneficiary: Brcko District

Published in Europe

The goal of the assignment is to develop the Terms of Reference for the Serbian IPA 2012 project in statistics.

Client: European Commission

Beneficiary: Serbian Statistical office

Published in Europe

For the West Balkan Countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99,strengthening the capacities of the relevant management structures to programme and implement IPA CBC programmes at borders

Client: ECD DG Enlargement Brussels (CARDS)

Published in Europe